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Regional Leaders

Common geography, climates, peoples and language give our regional leaders much to build on together. Narrow interests and focuses of the day should to be transcended to the broader uplands of deepened cooperation and practical focused initiatives.

In the past we have made progress on air quality, water resource protection, climate change, energy, transportation and regional economic coordination.

National governments sometimes need reminding of regional opportunities, challenges and interests and there is always room of 21st Century leadership wherever the source.

A "Good Neighbour" policy is always sound policy.

  B.C. Premier
  Washington Governor
  Alberta Premier
  Saskatchewan Premier
  Montana Governor
  Idaho Governor
  Yukon Premier
  Alaska Governor
  Oregon Governor
  Region Members of Parliament (Ottawa)
  Region - US Senators
  Oregon - Senators
  Idaho - Senators
  Alaska - Senators
  U.S. Congressional Representatives by State
